Falcon Services

The tailor-made service for Italian Micro and Small Enterprises

The services for Micro and Small Enterprises have been studied, packaged and made accessible even by those companies that do not have budget availability such as medium-large companies, but have well understood the importance of cyber security, the legal requirements of their directors and want to equip themselves with everything necessary to protect their economic capacity.


The IT Security services dedicated to Micro and Small Enterprises have the
following key features:
  1. They use the same technologies that are used for large enterprises, and the levels of security offered are the same
  2. They are entirely managed by our teams, so the customer benefits from the service with the highest levels of security available, without being able to manage the technology included in the services in any way
  3. They are canon as a complete service is provided without the sale of any product. This gives the indispensable advantage of having completely delegated to specialists in the sector the part of computer security of what is most valuable there is.
  4. Falcon services have a dedicated service with Sales Specialist and a group of experts dedicated exclusively to this service.sono servizi a canone

How to provide the service

Falcon Email

The email security through the massive use of artificial intelligence and the combination of the best technologies available on the international scene, combined with the implementation techniques of our special SOC Service for large companies.

Falcon Email + Microsoft 365 Business Basic

The service includes the Falcon Email service plus the Microsoft 365 Business Basic package, so you can enjoy centralized management of Microsoft’s Cloud-based email services but protected by the Falcon Email service. It represents an excellent combination to make the customer’s life very simple and safe in the management of the most critical and business-sensitive service ever: email.

Falcon Wall

Network security for a micro and small business is the main point of defense of the network. The service also includes the ability to manage secure Wifi access for all users, complete with compartmentalization of networks between operators and guests.

Falcon Endpoint

The security of PCs and Servers managed and protected from the terrible malware that are in circulation, making massive use of artificial intelligence and blocking everything that is not known and for which you have the absolute certainty of being good (or Goodware).

Falcon Secrets

The management of documentation and customer files for which you want to guarantee absolute confidentiality and security. Every access to the files is tracked and not even the customer’s system administrators can access the protected files in any way. All files are protected with military encryption, allowing even particularly sensitive files with strategic management contents to be kept on centralized systems, thus relying on the highest IT security standards.

Falcon Backup

Backup management is the last stronghold for a company’s survival in the event of a disaster. This service provides the management of all the software and hardware necessary for a company to have consistent and managed backups, both with a local copy and with an off-site copy, as required by the standard. We also manage immutable backups for a set period.

Falcon Nest

It is an offer that includes all the other modules. It represents the ultimate in cybersecurity for a small business.

A customer who subscribes Falcon Nest service for their company will need to provide the number of computers, the total number of business emails and people who are part of the organization in order to have the complete package of the Falcon Services offer.

How to provide the service

La sicurezza della Posta Elettronica mediante il massiccio uso di intelligenza artificiale e la combinazione delle migliori tecnologie disponibili sul panorama internazionale, unite alle tecniche di implementazione dei nostri speciali del Servizio SOC destinato alle grandi imprese.
Il servizio include il servizio Falcon Email più il pacchetto di Microsoft 365 Business Basic, per poter godere della gestione centralizzata anche dei servizi di posta elettronica basati sul Cloud di Microsoft ma protetti dal servizio Falcon Email. Rappresenta un ottimo connubio per rendere la vita del cliente molto semplice e sicura nella gestione del servizio più critico e sensibile al business in assoluto: l’email.
La sicurezza della rete per una micro e piccola azienda è il principale punto di difesa della rete. Il servizio include anche la possibilità gestire l’accesso Wifi sicuro per tutti gli utenti, con tanto di compartimentazione delle reti tra operatori e ospiti
La sicurezza dei PC e dei Server gestiti e protetti dai malware terribili che ci sono in circolazione, facendo uso massiccio di intelligenza artificiale e bloccando tutto ciò che non è conosciuto e per il quale si abbia l’assoluta certezza di essere buono (o Goodware).
La gestione della documentazione e dei file del cliente per i quali si voglia garantire l’assoluta riservatezza e sicurezza. Ogni accesso ai file viene tracciato e neanche gli amministratori di sistema del cliente possono accedere ai file protetti in alcun modo. Tutti i file sono protetti con cifratura militare, permettendo di poter tenere conservati sui sistemi centralizzati anche i file particolarmente sensibili con anche contenuti strategici del management, facendo cosi affidamento ai più elevati standard di sicurezza informatica.
La gestione dei backup è l’ultimo baluardo per la sopravvivenza di un’azienda in caso di disastro. Questo servizio prevede la gestione a servizio di tutto il software e hardware necessario affinché un’azienda abbia i backup consistenti e gestiti, sia con una copia locale, che con una copia fuori sede, come previsto dalla norma. Gestiamo anche i backup immutabili per un periodo prefissato.
E’ offerta che include tutti gli altri moduli. Rappresenta il massimo della Sicurezza informatica per una piccola impresa.

Un cliente che sottoscrive un servizio Falcon Nest per la propria azienda, dovrà fornire il numero dei computer, il numero complessivo di email aziendali e di persone che fanno parte dell’organizzazione per poter avere il pacchetto completo dell’offerta Falcon Services.


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