Assessment of economic risks rising from cyber risk.
This service has been designed to offer a timely analysis of the economic risks from IT risks based on objective criteria, related to the needs of security, business continuity and flexibility suitable for managing business processes.
Role Model
The reference model used is the National Framework of CyberSecurity and Data Protection version 2.0, developed by the Research Center for Cyber intelligence and Information Security of the Sapienza University of Rome (CIS Sapienza for short), in collaboration with the National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics and the support of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data and the Department of Information for Security of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
The model is inspired by the CyberSecurity Framework developed by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) of the United States of America, also integrating a series of controls derived from Legislative Decree 101/2018, which summarizes the regulatory obligations regarding privacy and processing of personal data.

How to provide the service
Phase 1
The activities will take place both at the customer’s site, and remotely, using modern teleconferencing and videoconferencing technologies.
Within the activities included in the scope of this offer, the writer will send to your headquarters experienced CyberSecurity professionals with functional and technical analysis skills, in order to be able to determine any anomalies or “gaps” between the operation of your company and the operation of your computer system. In the provision of the Service, two types of analysis will be conducted:
- Functional analysis: We will analyze business processes that affect the processing of commercial and technical information that contribute to the performance of economic activity. During this phase, people with roles of responsibility will be interviewed in order to determine the type of information generated, used and the methods of processing it, using the IT supports available today.We will ask client to provide the list of responsible persons and to organize their availability for the performance of this service.
- Technical analysis: We will request access in “read-only” mode to all components of the Company’s computer system, so we will request the possibility of inspecting the configuration of the same in all its parts.
Phase 2
WhySecurity srl will prepare a detailed report of what emerged by correlating what emerged to the chosen model, i.e. the National Framework for CyberSecurity and DataProtection, indicating threats and assessing the risks in relation to the context in which the client operates.
Other Solutions & Products
La soluzione kit ha le seguenti caratteristiche:
- Stazione integrata in apposito contenitore progettato per l’uso insieme ad un’unità di registrazione dati
- Sistema stand-alone, leggero, dotato di LCD, mini-PC e ruote
- Equipaggiato con portale web-based progettato allo scopo
- Famiglia di prodotti con performance crescenti in funzione al grado di precisione (fino 0,3°C), distanza di rilevazione (fino a 9 mt), risoluzione telecamera (336×256 pixel) e la capacità di rilevazione target e accessori (router 4g, scheda Wifi)
Una soluzione entry level flessibile che permette un pre-monitoraggio rapido, mobile e senza fili con le seguenti caratteristiche tecniche:
- Lettura rapida e intuitiva
- Schermo TFT da 2,8’’
- Risoluzione termica 160×120 pixels
- Opzione con telecamera nel visibile
- Accuratezza: +/- 0.5°C ad un metro
- Acquisizione delle immagini e registrazione su SD card
- Software per l’analisi dei dati da PC
- Batterie ricaricabili tramite porta USB
- Accessori per fissaggio su treppiede