Penetration Test

Penetration test to verify the security of an application

The penetration test is a kind of activity that needs a careful risk assessment first. Penetration testing activities can be non-disruptive or disruptive. The customer can choose the tests they want to be conducted in order to their nature or type or also to the type of the result to be observed.

Attacks can be of different nature: from Phishing to Social Engineering, to non-disruptive attack against an application known to be vulnerable to the ability to resist a massive Denial of Service attack.


Each penetration test is meticulously studied and prepared, the time frame in which it will be launched is decided, with or without notification of when the attack will take place.

The penetration test activity is the one that requires greater planning, time and analysis of systems and behaviors, research on open sources for the greatest possible effectiveness.

The tools used to conduct penetration tests are both commercial and opensource.


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