Founded in 2013, it was born with the vision of bringing talents on board, made up of people with great experience in the field of Information Security, with experiences strongly developed in large environments and abroad, together with young people capable of realizing ideas and approaches still partially unexplored.
Our values are dedication, open-mindedness, questioning ourselves every day because what until now we have believed right and correct, tomorrow may no longer be. All the achieved results in terms of research and development are made available to our customers, and all our customers are part of a community where every introduced improvement for one benefits all.

We are always looking for young people of all nationalities, able to contribute to the development of this project that till today has given us great satisfaction. Great talents are hidden in the most unexpected people: our task is to discover them and put them to serve a larger project.
Our goals are to continue to innovate, in science and conscience, in a world where difficulties are always increasing and challenging.
Risk Assessment
This service has been designed to offer a timely analysis of the economic risks from IT risks based on objective criteria, related to the needs of security, business continuity and flexibility suitable for managing business processes.
Vulnerability Assessment
The analysis of the vulnerabilities of the system are contextualized to the REAL actual client’needs, or the analysis of the vulnerabilities that could be exploited in relation to the economic risk at stake that could actually weigh on the company in case of discovery.
Penetration Test
The penetration test is a kind of activity that needs a careful risk assessment first. Penetration testing activities can be non-disruptive or disruptive. The customer can choose the tests they want to be conducted in order to their nature or type or also to the type of the result to be observed.
Network Security
Network security today requires a completely different approach than in the past. Our approach is to carefully map what resources should be available to whom or what. The subdivision of the network and access only to the resources necessary both by local users, smart working users and third parties is the first fundamental rule to start a valid risk mitigation process.
Backups of computer systems, data and information are the last chance before facing a real disaster. The management of backups of computer systems and data has been underestimated countless times, so much so as to send entire companies into crisis, because following a Ransomware attack, therefore an attack in which data has been encrypted for ransom purpose, backups are be also encrypted.
Transition 4.0
For the transition 4.0, the WhyTech division of WhySecurity designs and developes projects such as Enhanced CRM, IP Telephony, IOT Integration, Video Intelligence.
Centralized Security
In an era in which smartworking has become a standard, the last stronghold for a company’s IT security. The security of PCs has therefore become especially critical, much more than in the past, because today new habits require us to access business applications and above all to data and information wherever we are.
Email security
E-mail is still the first vector of cyber attacks, due to the fact that e-mail today is used to send any kind of information. We are used to using e-mail to send documents of any kind, very often even sensitive documents that should never be transmitted.
NOC & SOC Services
From January 2021 the Security Operation Center has been realized. The service is carried out within an operations center with ministerial authorization, organized on two levels or “Tier” of organization.
First-level or “Tier 1” operators perform call center functions, receive notifications from all systems, carry out an initial analysis according to the model adopted. It is the job of Tier 1 operators to monitor all open sources for updates and alerts of recognized threats or discovered vulnerabilities that could be used as attacks.
First-level or “Tier 1” operators perform call center functions, receive notifications from all systems, carry out an initial analysis according to the model adopted. It is the job of Tier 1 operators to monitor all open sources for updates and alerts of recognized threats or discovered vulnerabilities that could be used as attacks.